Baby care services
Our skilled baby nursery practitioners provide individual attention, bestow hugs and play with all the babies creating a loving atmosphere. We aim to provide sensitive care and a daily routine for the tiny tots with their parents’ approval. Contact us now.
Cosy environment
We have a warm and cosy sleep room for the babies in our baby nursery with convenient access to the beautiful rear garden. You can enjoy peace of mind in the knowledge that our baby care is designed to keep your child happy.
Tipo, our baby bear
Our well-developed and secure baby unit is solely dedicated to baby care, supervised by our baby bear, Tipo. The baby unit is established in a separate building, supporting babies from a few weeks old until they are ready to move to the main building. Individual attention, hugs and play from our nursery practitioners is of utmost importance to our babies. With sensitive care and a daily routine that is agreed with parents, babies soon settle. In this warm and caring environment, our tiny tots explore their exciting new world.